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BAS: four-year period of review

Are you?
– A taxpayer who lodges activity statements?

At a glance:
– The Tax Office allows taxpayers a four-year period of review to correct mistakes made on previously lodged activity statements.

You should:
– Check whether any errors have been made on your activity statement before lodging.
– Contact us if you require any clarification or advice.

The period of review is a four-year time limit for taxpayers to amend or revise activity statements for tax periods on or after July 1, 2012.

When an error has been identified, the correction should be made as soon as practicable.

The period of review of a particular activity statement starts on the day it is lodged.

Activity statements for tax periods that start prior to July 1, 2012 cannot access any extended amendment provisions.

The four-year period will refresh for only the amended transaction, not the entire activity statement.

During the refreshed four-year period, the amended transaction may only be amended again one more time.

– Revising an activity statement may be denied if outside the amendment period.

This article was published on 29/06/2016 and is current as at that date.
This article is not a substitute for independent professional advice. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information or material in this article. All information is subject to change without notice. We and each party providing material displayed in this article disclaim liability to all persons or organisations in relation to any action(s) taken on the basis of currency or accuracy of the information or material, or any loss or damage suffered in connection with that information or material. You should make your own enquiries before entering into any transaction on the basis of the information or material in this article. Please ensure you contact us to discuss your particular circumstances and how the information provided applies to your situation.


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